Living Water

This is the first guest post here on Nathan Tune’s blog. He is sick and not feeling up to writing today so I have written about Living Water. I pray it blesses you….


By Michele Miller (Nathan’s mom)

You know how when you’re real thirsty, nothing quenches your thirst like good, cold water? Yes, you might buy a soda or pour yourself a glass of Kool-Aid or tea or even coffee but after you drink it, you aren’t really satisfied – because your body is craving pure, fresh water.

That’s how it was with the woman at the well. Ever hear that story in the bible?

living water


Well, just in case you haven’t heard it…

In John Chapter 4, we read about Jacob’s well. Jesus was tired from his long journey and so he sat at the well while the disciples traveled in to the city to buy meat. While he was resting, a  woman from Samaria came up. Jesus asked her to give him a drink. The bible says that she was simply astonished that a Jewish man would ask a Samarian woman for a drink! She asked him how this was possible.

(The above information comes from John 4:1-9).


Let’s look at the following scriptures:

10     Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. 
11     The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?
12     Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?
13     Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 
14     But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.


Finding Satisfaction

You know, people search for something that will satisfy their need for peace and joy, strength and motivation, happiness and assurance in all different places. Some turn to drugs or alcohol. Others look for it in relationships that never last. Some lose themselves in gang life or some other group that makes them feel like they’re a part of something (at first, anyway).

No matter how hard you search or how many different places you look, you aren’t going to find what you’re longing for – until you let Jesus fill your empty well with that reservoir of Living Water.

Once you turn to him, the emptiness you feel will be gone. The sadness, guilt, anger, and so many other troubles and emotions will be washed away in the Sea of Forgetfulness.

Just like fresh water satisfies your physical body and even makes your skin healthier and more lush, the Living Water will satisfy and sustain you. Whatever you need in life, go to the…


Living Well

When you let Jesus fill you up, you will find that you can sleep like a baby and rest so peacefully. And you’ll discover that you can wake up in the morning with joy in your heart and excitement for a brand-new day that you sincerely feel is full of possibilities, hopes, dreams, goals, opportunities to witness for him, and so much more!

This passage of scripture about Living Water was one of Brother Ward’s favorites. He was a man who was like a grandpa to us.


Brother Thurman & Sister Pat Ward

(Godly Grandparents to us and Soldiers for God’s Kingdom)



He was not only a spiritual leader, grandfather figure, and loving man, but he was a true example of drinking from the well of Living Water that leads to everlasting life. He loved to share the Living Water with everyone he came in contact with. Sister Ward has that same desire – and so does my family.

Nathan reminds me so much of Brother Ward. He has such a sincere and dedicated heart to walk a path of holiness that is pleasing to the Lord.

Brother Ward has gone on to be with Jesus now but we carry on his passion for sharing the gospel, for spreading the message that the key to feeling whole and quenching our spirit’s thirst is to surrender our heart to Jesus and allow ourselves to be filled with his spirit – until we’re overflowing with that Living Water and are truly satisfied.

Are you thirsty today? Do you feel empty and in need of being filled ’till your cup runneth over? Get down on your knees and drink from the well of Living Water. You will never be the same….


Michele (aka Raw Juice Girl)

You can find me on Facebook.

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