Greetings, friends. Brother’s, Sisters, Traveler’s, Wanderer’s. Welcome, welcome to today’s blog post and welcome to my website. May you be richly blessed in some way on this day.
Hello, for those of you that don’t know this yet – My name is, Nathan Tune. (Jut in-case my website’s name didn’t give it away very easily.) You can read my bio to find out more about me and you can search the rest of my site to learn more about the goals and aspirations that I have. If you do so, please feel free to like me on the Facebook, follow me like a little creepy stalker on Twitter and subscribe to my Youtube channels. It would most definitely be much appreciated and I’ll do my best not to disappoint.
For quite sometime now, I have been inactive on my social media accounts. I’ve gone from posting regularly once a week to not at all. I build myself up just in time to see my views go all the way back down to zero due to lack of activity. I wish I could promise “NO MORE” to any of you that faithfully followed my blog. (Which would be very few and ancient of course) But sadly, I cannot. The fact is. Life can sometimes get in the way of everything, it can bog us down and make it incredibly difficult to continuously keep your creativity going, no matter how hard one might try or how good one might be at creating.
Don’t get me wrong, my light of creativity isn’t completely dead, not even a bit of it has been dimmed. Just halted. The candle is still burning, it’s just not burning as quickly as it once did before. Which is a better thing if you ask me. If you let the candle burn too quickly then it will soon become burnt out, and we don’t want that now do we? To be completely honest, when I started writing this post, I had no idea where I was going to take it. As I am with most the posts I write. But I have stumbled upon a perfect, yet short message subject matter.
Let It Burn – But Slowly
Slow and steady wins the race. Or so they say. If you think about it, if you light a candle and it’s not made well enough and the wick isn’t good enough quality. Then it will burn out too quickly. And in most instances, candles are used to either put out some light or to put out some kind of fragrance. There are so many fine fragrant made candles out there, that just aren’t good quality. You open them up and they smell divine. But when you go to light them, after a couple of hours, this huge candle is gone and it barely put out any aroma at all.
Now what good is that? In life, we often feel the need to use every last talent we have as quickly and often as we can in hopes of being successful. We go bold and we go strong – and… We go fast. Yes, that is the truth. The finest smelling candles that are cheaply made will start out with a bold strong aroma, but it will quickly dissipate into the air without leaving so much as a whiff of evidence that it was ever even lit. I believe that we, mere humans can sometimes become like that. Like a cheap wick candle that burns out too quickly. We too can become burnt out too quickly from going to bold and too strong and too hard in the beginning of our aspirations.
Which is why, I myself. From now on, tend to take things a bit slower. This will be the second post I have written this year. 2016 is an interesting year for me, I am still working at the movie theater I wrote about a few months back and it is still as meaningful to me as it has ever been. With all the new movies coming out this year it should be quite interesting for sure. I am excited for what is to come and I hope that you are too.
In Conclusion:
Sure, there is much to fear in what the future may bring. But we must hold on to hope, for without hope we have nothing. We must believe. While I do intend to write more regularly then I have been, it will still be on my own time and on my own terms. It sure isn’t like I have made or am generating any money from this site/blog. I write on this and share my belief’s and opinions because I care. Because I enjoy it, because it is my passion. And I have found that while it may not be much. Over the past 3 years of being active on this blog, I have almost written 200 blog posts. The 200th post is not far away and when I do arrive to that post. It will most certainly be as special as I can make it.
If it isn’t obvious to you yet, let me make it a bit more clear. (Let me be clear. Obama impersonation) I don’t have a definite theme for this blog/website. Not a primary one anyways.
My motto has always been this. I want to be able to write about anything and everything I see fit, so long as it relates to God and life. And I can make pretty much anything relate to God and to life. You’ll hear me rant about multiple things. You’ll hear me talk about God and politics in the same sentence. (HOW DARE I?) You’ll hear me mix scripture with a political message of hope and freedom. You can even find my full set of biblical and political beliefs on this site. You’ll find a presidential endorse at the bottom of this page and in multiple blog posts. You’ll find quiche recipes, cake, and television/movie reviews as well. Anything and everything. However, I strive to revolve my blog solely around these major points.
- God
- Politics
- Life
If you have a problem with that, well… Then that’s your problem. For those who enjoy this blog, thank you. God bless y’all (because I’m southern and refuse to say you all just to be grammatically correct) and have a blessed day/morning/evening/night/afternoon – wherever you are and whoever you are/may be.