Update On Prayers – With My Best Buddy

We made it to the 30th day mark somehow without there being any problems. I know that one day we had to message our prayers but that was really the only nigh -t and it still counted! Every other night we didn’t skip a beat and pursued our daily prayers for 30 days straight in a row, TOGETHER! But then then comes difficulty….


Now I know 30 days may not seem like a lot to some, but for two best pal’s to make a day of prayer with each other every day and being so far apart as well, that seems to be a great accomplishment for both me and him! And we haven’t quit praying together completely either!

I admit that there has been some days we’ve missed and any time we miss prayers together, we both feel bad. We’ve just restarted our daily prayers together after about 10 days of going without praying! (together that is) – and we’re having to get back in the groove! It is still as powerful and fun as it has ever been though.




“It always is a disappointment when you miss doing something that you care about and means something to you. There are days when it just can’t be helped – and what do you do? The days that me and my friend Nathan have missed our daily prayers doesn’t stop us from praying. Remember, prayer is also powerful even if you aren’t praying in a group. Someday we have to deal with the fact that we are going to miss the daily prayer but we always look on the bright side and look to the future. We missed one day; hopefully we won’t miss it tomorrow. Even after a week of no prayer we managed to start praying again as if we hadn’t miss those precious days. We learn to work with our schedules – and on God’s time.” – Cameron Wilkinson


Being able to call and talk with him over the phone about the bible, the church, living like Christ and more, is such a blessing to me and I thank God for a friend my age that I can turn to about these things. Whether it be for prayer, or just a good laugh it’s all good!

We started our prayers together back up on February 18th and that night was a great night. We have gotten longer with our prayers and we talked for over an hour that night about new prayer needs for others and new prayer request from others. I have had to make a new list for prayer! My other one was getting withered and needed the new people added to it!

I know it may be easier to just ask God to take care of everyone, but when you specify those certain people and those certain needs, it will just make it that much more special. Not only for those people but to God and yourself as well! When God brings a need to your heart to pray for you shouldn’t just ignore that need, you should pray right then if you can and not blow it off because what if that need would be your need and God brought it up to someone else to pray for you and they blew it off because they had more important things to do? You’d want them to do the same wouldn’t you?




“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” Ephesians 6:18 K.J.V.


What a lovely verse, don’t you think? The bible tells us to PRAY ALL THE TIME! Now I know that we can’t LITERALLY pray all the time, but what this means is to just talk to him throughout the day and ask for his guidance in whatever you do. After all, that’s all that praying is anyhow – talking to God. Isn’t that right?

But here’s something interesting, though: the second night in my prayers with Cameron, during that night we didn’t have much time so we just got right into the prayer. I started first as I usually do. There have been times when he starts but anyhow, my prayer was beginning to get quite long and I included this in my prayer as well.

It came to me that we should all ask God to help us be more willing so that we shouldn’t worry about time as much as we do. We shouldn’t worry so much about our schedules and if we end up being late or losing track of time that shouldn’t always worry us. Now I know that time is something to be valued but think about this for a moment: When you’re working on God’s time and for him, isn’t time being the most valued that it has ever been? Let us not get so caught up in our own lives that we can’t take the time to will ourselves for his work, instead let us be willing to ignore the time long enough to do his work.

So many people want to control time. We shouldn’t do these things – especially in the churches. We aren’t to say when God wants someone to do something (unless told by God). We aren’t to say when something needs to be done (unless told by God). Take the clocks off the wall! Let God run the service for awhile – and pray on his time, not yours.




God bless!


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