In life, we find out slowly and painfully how easy it is for others to manipulate. Whether it is us or someone else, it does not seem to be of any significance. They will still manipulate and use whoever it is that they can for their own selfish purpose. But it leaves us to ask a simple, yet profound question. Why? Why would anyone so carelessly and intentionally hurt someone that they SAY they care about?
I do not have the full answer to that question. I have many opinions as to why some people may act that way, but in different situations it is hard to tell. There may be incidents where people gain great joy and pleasure from gaining ones trust and then crushing them into the ground with it, ever so harshly. As if they never had a care at all for said person. If you really think about it, maybe they really didn’t at all. Perhaps they just pretended to be your friend for as long as they need to until they got you to give them exactly what it was they needed from you. Or maybe they did care, but somewhere along the way, they became lost. Lost to the person that they once were in the past, because of greed or pride or whatever. Does it really make a difference?
Either way it still stings terribly in the end doesn’t it? So why do we so foolishly keep extending ourselves out to people? Or why do we continue reaching out to the same people over and over again? When they have proven themselves multiple times in the past to be as untrustworthy as a person can be. I have to say it is our sincere goodness. Darn our God-given emotions of, trust, kindness, love, care and compassion. Why do we have to be this way? Why can’t we ever just walk away? Oh, do not fret my dear friends. There will most definitely be a time when you will walk away completely. And those that have broken your trust time and time again will be sorry that they ever did. They will miss you, they will want you back. But you won’t be there.
Trust HIM –
Throughout my life, I have watched my grandparents do everything for others. They have dropped whatever they were doing so they could go help one of their friends or family. And when the time came for them to need that same assistance, most every single time, our friends and family proved to be untrustworthy. Leaving my grandparents to get burned after doing the best for those around them. It really just doesn’t seem fair most of the time. I would often find myself questioning why I would ever want to live a life of honest and trustworthiness. When all it seems to do is get life to throw a hot pile of coal back in your face that burns like nothing you might of ever experienced before.
I’ve seen my grandparents give possessions and vehicles to friends and family when they needed it, without ever even asking them to give as much as a down payment. In all fairness. For my mom, their brothers and sisters and friends. I don’t think that they could have done any better then they have. I don’t believe that there is much they could have done differently. My grandpa has provided friends in his life with his utmost assistance, whether that be friends he’d only known a few years. Or friends that he had known for more than a decade from back when he was a trucker. Honesty, loyalty, integrity, trustworthiness, kindness, love, genuine care. Never letting your word become something bad, because your word is your bond. That is trusting God.
In Conclusion:
Trusting in God is all we can do these days. People aren’t nearly as trustworthy as they once were, and that says a lot considering that even back then. People weren’t as trustworthy as we might of thought. I believe they were more afraid of what people might do to one of them if they’d ever dare cross anyone. They were tough back then, they lived by a code. A code that not many today want to live by, because for some reason. They think it’s stupid or pointless. Wondering who it was that made up all these stupid rules about living a life with honor and dignity. I would like to believe that it was God, and I would also like to believe that all these valuable ethics still do apply in our life. WE have just forgotten how to use them.
Nevertheless, if something can be forgotten. Then it can easily be remembered or relearned. So let’s go out into this dark world while making a difference wherever it is that we may go. Let’s show everyone just how good people can still be no matter how hopeless it all may seem. Show them that there is hope for the world and show them that you are that hope. Truck on my friends, just keep right on trucking and trusting in God, he will definitely see you through.
Until next time…