Hello again friends far away and in between, what brought thee to me this fine day, have a sit and hear what I would like to say.
Well it’s obvious what I wish to discuss in today’s post the title of it kinda gave me idea’s away, but there is still much to be said on the subject (look at me, I’ve only said a few sentences and I act as if I have been talking for ages) let’s get started then, shall we?
I find that in today’s day and time – Trust is something that appears to be missing from our every ordinary day, in our every ordinary life – we just don’t up and trust strangers anymore like we used to which is rather interesting considering that the crime rate isn’t as high as it was in the 90’s as matter of fact studies show it’s about the same rate that it was in the 60’s now that’s something.
So why is it that we still find a hard time to trust others, what can we possibly do to change this? Stop lying every single breath that we so lightly take perhaps? Or what if we just try being honest and true for a change, how about that, do you think that would really make a big difference on our society?
But it’s going to take more then just that, we have to actually mean our honesty, we have to actually mean our genuineness, because it so happens that people tend to notice if one is not really being truly honest with them – people have gotten smarter and even a whole lot less gullible, they just aren’t going to believe anything anymore without proof and it’s not that unreasonable.
If you think about, it’s very realistic at the most because so many of us have been lied to, burned, beaten down, taken advantage of and used simply because of our trust that there just so happens to be no trust left in us, and it’s rather sad actually because for a society to continue trust must abide in it.
Don’t Forget The Ice:
Let me tell you a little story where I actually experienced true trust in a person at a local grocery store, it was sometime in the summer of 2013 – my grandparents had just left the store and I had just got off the phone with them prior to that and they called and said that they were coming home, well when they got home they quickly realized that they had forgotten the ice.
Now they had paid for two bags of ice and we needed it, they were too tired to go back home so they sent me and my uncle to go back with the receipt to get the ice and to get a few other items as well – to tell you the truth I honestly didn’t think that anyone would be willing to believe me when I told them that my grandparents had forgotten the ice, but it was worth a try anyways.
When we arrived to the store I went up to the manager who’s name is ‘Reba’ which I always her about because it’s the name of one of my favorite country singers (Reba McEntire) I told her that not long ago my grandparents left the store having purchased two bags of ice yet forgetting them and walking out, I showed her the receipt and asked if we could get it from the freezer now and to my surprise she actually believed me.
I mean I know that I wasn’t lying but she had no way whatsoever to know other then she must have read me and truly trusted within her heart that I was genuine or perhaps she thought that it was only ice and it didn’t really matter, that could be the case but Texans are nice they aren’t too gullible though – so I believe she actually trusted the story and that was encouraging.
Trust is like a breath of fresh air in today’s society and even more so the Trust–Worthy.
In Conclusion:
Not everyone is unwilling to trust those that they don’t know and at the same time, not everyone we don’t know is completely worthy of our trust – that is something that only we can determine by actually ‘judging’ that person but even though scripture tells us that we can indeed ‘judge’ I honestly don’t even believe that is what most of us even do, so to use a less aggressive word It’s more of a discerning nature to understand whether or not that person is one that deserves trust.
Judging with our Spiritual Instinct – rather than by ones Appearance.
I for one only have a very small list of people in this entire world (which includes my small intermediate family) that I know I can completely trust in whatever circumstance that may arrive.
It’s not a lot, but considering 6 of them are outside of my family 6 that I consider to be good friends and I can’t really mention that number again or else we’ll have something bad in this blog post which might cause controversy and it wouldn’t of even been intentional.
So without further ado, what I hope to have left you with is what I always hope to leave the readers with, a lot to think about, stuff to just ponder on and I understand that many have so much to think of in their life but I believe thinking about other’s aside from our own problems, in a way, helps us deal better with ours.
Until next time – though I don’t know I even made a lot of sense.
Have some cheeseburgers, with crispy french fries and a chocolate or vanilla shake or both who cares, right? I’m Nathan Tune, signing off.