It is often said, when evil rises, good must rise higher. OK – that isn’t exactly a phrase that is popularly known among the world today. If only that were the case. For many years people have debated, fought wars, argued, bickered. Killed even. For what? Why? What on earth is the cause for such, chaos? Is it a misunderstanding? Is it a misconception? Is it In denial?
Oh come on, for the love of toaster strudels! (I do love me some strudel, don’t you?) Really, though. Why have men ravaged the earth for centuries, destroying one another as if life is nothing? There really isn’t a simple answer, or even a rational one for that matter. There is only one very sad explanation. A difference in opinions/beliefs. Rather then sorting out each others little differences, men would go to war. And with war would come blood, hurt and pain. And with pain would come suffering and with suffering, death. And with death. Hate and with hate would come bitterness. And with bitterness, would come… Sheer darkness.
Darkness across the lands like a plague, darkness in the minds and hearts of men, a never ending. Never failing, unstoppable, unthinkable, unimaginable, impossible to defeat, sheer utter darkness. Yet, not entirely… Impossible. Not entirely, undefeatable. Where darkness can lie in the hearts of men, so can light lie as well. For where there is darkness, there must be light also and for where there is light, darkness will also be. This is only the truth. You cannot have good without evil and you cannot have evil without good, for to have one without the other would be unnatural in every single way, in this world of ours – for this is the way things were meant to be it seems.
Since the beginning of time itself, light and darkness have been as far apart from each other as the East is from the West. Because the two cannot go together… While darkness can be a powerful source for the wicked, it doesn’t hold… Well, a candle to the light. Because where there is light. Darkness must flee. Which brings me to the whole point of this post, I believe.
Awaken The Light Within:
There are many who doubt, there are many who do not believe in the ways of Yeshua, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There are those who mock his teachings, mocking every word he spoke and those who mock his followers. Some even hate him, and his followers. (And we know where that leads.) They deny it with their lips, but in their hearts they know the truth, for one can never deny the truth of their heart, for the truth of the heart will always come out in the end. Whether one likes it or not.
Or, whether one wants it to or not. In these days we are surrounded with darkness, and with light. There has only ever been two options for us as humanity. Whether you fight is one thing, it’s what you believe in that really counts. For if you fight for light but believe in darkness then your fight is in vain for everyone. But even if you do not fight, yet believe in the light with everything in you, then you hold more power then all the most powerful dark forces together. Christ said, if we had faith as a child, or a mustard seed, we had the ability within us for his wonders to be done through us.
With our country being divided and torn into shreds bits by bits, by both Republican Progressives and Democratic Liberal Socialists, we have a duty. An obligation, to stand up and do what is right. To fight for a cause, a noble cause. We owe it – not only to ourselves, but to the fallen soldiers and to the families of those soldiers that fought and died for our freedoms. And most of all, above all, to the future generations to come. In some way, big or small. We will all go down in history. And while it is often easier to go down with the winning side, I’d prefer that side to also be the right side.
Be Pure Of Heart -
We cannot sell out our values, just so we can win. For if we win, but win without a cause that is just and noble, then we haven’t won anything at all, in fact, we have lost all and we have forsaken all. All that is good, all that this Nation was founded upon and all that those before us sacrificed everything for. How could we throw all of that away so carelessly?
I myself, cannot. And I pray that you, my friends. Cannot either. I was watching the Nicholas Cage film – ‘National Treasure’ the other day. Something was read from the Declaration Of Independence, I had heard it before, of course. However, for some reason. Now, more then ever. It meant so much more to me then it ever has.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. – Declaration Of Independence
Some might ask, what does that mean? In the words of Benjamin Gates (Nicholas Cage) from the film ‘National Treasure’ –
“If there’s something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.” – Benjamin Gates (National Treasure)
Do You Have The Ability?
You may be thinking to yourself, “What can I do? I’m just a small person. I have nothing, I’m nothing. I am no one.” Well, think again. Have you not even heard of ‘The Lord Of The Rings’ or ‘The Hobbit’ film trilogies for goodness sake’s? (Yes, you can tell, in my time away, I have watched many movies. It’s a terrible effect of working at a movie theater, or wait, it’s not such a terrible effect after all.)
Where was I? OH – Yes! ‘LOTR’ (must I explain everything?) and ‘The Hobbit’ are amazing films, extraordinary even. Featuring many mystical creatures and wonderful adventures, but the stories seem to revolve around one extraordinary species in particular. The Half-lings, the ‘Hobbits’. These small beings, with incredibly large courage, (larger then most of us may ever dare to have, I myself included.) If we could have just an ounce of courage – that of a Hobbit. Think what we could do. My point being this. Do not belittle yourselves my dear children. Do not be dismayed. God is still on the throne and he still needs ME and YOU more then ever.
What Light?
I’m most certain that by now, you are all wondering. “What light was he talking about that needed to be awaken?” Either that or you’ve forgotten the light altogether during my on and on nonsense rambling. Nevertheless, my point is finally about to be made. There is a great light within us all, what we choose to do with it is up to us. We can either let it be smoldered out, having it die with time. Or, we can fuel it with passion. We can use it to do the good works of our Father in heaven. We can use it, to take our Nation back, little by little.
If you are someone who believes that our Nation is too far gone. Then you really are lost, you really should just leave now. It will take those of great faith to fight the forces of the dark side and there can be no weakness. We must be strong in spirit and in truth. The Primary elections are upon us. Those of you who have yet to vote. Be wise in your decisions, there are many who lie, many who wish to do us harm. This is true. But there is still some good in this world Brother’s and Sister’s. We just have to find it. Pray and seek God, I have done this. And I have not found any better man that I would have be the President, nor any other man that I could give my vote for Commander In Chief, other than TED CRUZ regardless of what the media says of him and regardless of what his opponents says of him, being a resident of Texas. He has a proven track record to do what he says he will do.
He is a fighter of the faith and a Brother in Christ, while one may think that there are other good candidates, those are low in numbers and I cannot bring myself to support any of them and there may be only one who would get my vote other then Ted Cruz. However, I cannot allow myself to settle for less and neither should you. We must unite with one another and we must stand with the side of right.
Of course, I didn’t write a 1,400+ word blog post just to endorse a presidential candidate at the end. I write where my heart leads me, and I give my heart to Christ and I pray to be led by his Spirit, I write what I feel led to.
And – In Conclusion:
Whatever the future of our Nation may be and whoever is to be our future President, there is at least one certainty we can rest assured in. The certainty that Jesus Christ will reign just as powerful on that day as he does on this day. So continue in fighting the forces of the dark side, no matter how hopeless it may seem. Because one day, it will all count for something, something far greater then any of us could ever imagine. Something, extraordinary.
May Yahweh bless thee, and keep thee: may Yahweh make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: may Yahweh lift up his countenance upon thee, and may Yahweh give thee peace. – Numbers 6:24-26