It has been said that while Dogs are only in our life for but a moment, to them WE are their WHOLE lives… And for us, they make OUR lives…

WHOLE — I have been fascinated with Dogs ever since I can remember. When I was little (and still to this day) one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE movies was “My Dog Skip”
I must have watched that movie AT LEAST a million times! (Okay… That is a HUGE and physically IMPOSSIBLE amount of times to have done ANYTHING but still… You get the picture 😜)
Where the Red Fern Grows, Old Yeller, Homeward Bound! (Ah!!! Homeward bound 😭) AIR BUD! Lassie… Y’all think of a Dog movie/story and I’ve probably watched it or read it at least once!
And If I haven’t already then I probably will want to so LET ME KNOW!
I grew up around Full Blooded AKC registered German Shepherds. One of, if not the BEST, most loyal and dedicated breeds that there is! But my fascination with one particular breed began when I was probably around 9 years old. Maybe even a little younger…
The Siberian Husky!
I bet y’all are wondering “Is this guy EVER gonna get back to the point of this whole thing?” Don’t worry, I’m building up to that! I just get a little “sidetracked” at times.. (something I find that my husky, Cheyenne does frequently! I sometimes have to bring her attention back to reality as well as myself! 😂)
SO… Where was I? 😆 OH!
What a BEAUTIFUL and rather MAGNIFICENT creature the Siberian Husky can be! Their stunning appearance and distinctive yet often quirky personalities can be downright hypnotizing! And behind their beautiful and unique eyes are the kindest, sweetest most loving spirits you’ll ever know. But make no mistake! As highly intelligent as this breed is they can also be VERY stubborn and just like us as people they are not all the same.
Everyone’s experience with a Husky is often different from another’s. You will find many common traits and similarities in their behavior and of course most all huskies will never truly believe be able to lose that longtime bred in trait and overpowering URGE to RUN, because after all… They are BORN sled dogs!
That being said, that doesn’t mean these dogs can’t make great pets. They just may not (and as matter of fact many times will NOT) be the best fit for every person/family out there.
Like I said, I’ve studied this breed since I was 9 years old. I am well aware of some of the many “issues” Husky owners face especially when raising them from a pup. I’ve never had the honor of raising one from a pup, but I can definitely see how that could be QUITE the challenge. These dogs are extremely HIGH energy after all. Again…
They are BORN SLED dogs!
You wouldn’t just go out and buy a car or hopefully anything for that matter without FIRST researching everything you could about said car or said product now would you? So WHY on EARTH would ANYONE just up and purchase or adopt any kind of animal without FIRST doing at LEAST the MINIMUM amount of research of what they might be getting themselves into? It is something I highly recommend because it could and oftentimes WILL save both YOU and the animal a huge amount of heartache and stress. Just DO the research and make sure you are up for that challenge. Because it’s not fair to you and it especially isn’t fair to the animal if you aren’t.
Like anything, these exquisite creatures just want to be LOVED and well taken care of. And if you have any kind of heart at all then it’s really not hard to do. It’s truly amazing how these furbabies find their way into our lives and how quickly they make paw impressions upon our hearts.
A Boy And His Dog
Ah yes… The age old cliche storyline. A friendship, an attachment, a bond so strong, so unbreakable, so beautiful and so powerful that hardly anything else could compare.
Think of Saving Shiloh, Hachiko, The Call Of The Wild, Togo… THAT is what I’m talking about. Unfortunately I had some tragic experiences with dogs growing up. Either from them running away and never seeing them again or from having to lose them to some sort of tragic death. That, sadly is the part of life in not only having a dog, but in general that often times makes it HARD to get by.
Nevertheless, we MUST do everything that we can to KEEP pushing forward. As hard and difficult as it may be sometimes we MUST keep our hearts OPEN. And I know that means we are putting ourselves in a position of great vulnerability, as we are making room for the opportunity to have our hearts broken and crushed. But it also means that we have opened the door for SO much LOVE and JOY. And if we REALLY stop and think about it. That LOVE, that JOY will ALWAYS outweigh the pain and hurt by FAR. Because true love, TRUE joy is WAY more powerful than anything this life could ever throw at us.
If it wasn’t, then why else would we still be here?
It’s because LIFE IS WORTH living.
And dogs… They play a HUGE part in that for so many of us!

After having to lose my last dog (A beautiful sweet and kind spirited Husky/Shepherd Mix) because of her condition being too severe for her to continue on without her having to endure extreme pain. I eventually sort of just “gave up” on wanting to ever have another dog of “my own.”
(Cheyenne has Miracle’s SAME spirit!)
We had a beautiful Family German Shepherd who unfortunately we had to say goodbye to not too long ago, he was about 10. He sadly started to face the health problems that all bigger dogs like him in his breed do and he went down so fast and will be greatly missed as the paw impression he made on our hearts was so big and so deep.
We also had a beautiful and sweet loving, Black German Shepherd, Samson who was also a rescue that we sadly lost March of 2021.
My grandma still has her little “Sweet Pea” Yorkie/Pom (Porkie) mix who is about 11 years old now who thinks she is queen Elizabeth or something. But anyways, they were always enough for me.
I never expected or imagined I’d be taking on a Rescue Siberian Husky. But when we had been out all day with a good friend who said she HAD to stop at a place on our way back home and pick up this Siberian Husky, and when I saw her I knew that was it…
The lady took her back to her place where she stayed almost a week before I decided I was actually going to take her in. She was only a few miles down the road from where we lived so I went and visited her one evening. And it was actually when I saw this most pitiful look on her face when she realized I HADN’T come to bring her home with us…

It was THEN that I KNEW I just HAD to go back the very next day and bring her HOME.
In Conclusion:

It’s been exactly two months TODAY since that very day and both Cheyenne and me are happy as can be. I think you can REALLY tell a difference in her compared to that first day before we brought her home! Not only is she happier but her coat is absolutely GLOWING! I actually started her on CBD oil as soon as we brought her home! She was shedding something FIERCE (as her winter coat was just coming off!) so I brushed and brushed her regularly and noticed after only a few weeks since I had started her on the oil, that not only had her coat became so much more SOFT and SHINY, but that her shedding has become almost NON EXISTENT! I’m literally SHOCKED because anyone who knows anything about huskies or long haired dogs in general is that they are often BIG time shedders!!
But she is doing GREAT and I still make sure to brush her at the minimum once a week or so.
And for that I am SO glad. I cannot say what all is in store for the future for Cheyenne and me, but what I CAN say is that for now, we are richly blessed BEYOND MEASURE.
So thank you for reading to end my dear friends and all you wonderful hoomans of the interwebs. From me and my sweet husky, Cheyenne. Much WUV to each and every single one of y’all out there and as always… God BLESS and…
I sorta did a another thing yesterday… 😅
Meet Smokey!

More to come on him later! Stay TUNED!