Do you enjoy waking up late in the morning in the safety of your own home? Do you like being able to go to work and make your own way without fear of being blown up by some radical terrorists? Do you like going to the grocery store and buying your own food? Do you like sitting in your living room watching your favorite television shows at night after a hard days work?
Do you take comfort in the fact that people aren’t beheaded in the middle of the streets? Gays aren’t slaughtered for being gay and people aren’t martyred in public for their faith? If you enjoy all of these freedoms, liberties, rights, privileges. Whatever you wish to call them, if you enjoy the benefits of freedom, know this. It does not come without a cost, this past weekend and today many American Families may be gathered around their barbecue grills. Enjoying a nice meal of smoked Ribs, Burgers, fries, Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, the works.
But in our peaceful little world, do we really look at this time as anything more than a day off to “have fun” “live life” eat and pig out? Or do we really recognize its true meaning? While there are most certainly many scum out there that may ‘call’ themselves ‘proud’ ‘American’s’ they are nothing more then a disgrace to the beloved Stars and Stripes that we hold dear. However, I do believe that there is more to America then burgers, fries, baseball and Apple pie. I have to believe that, because if I don’t, then what else is there left to believe in? I have to believe that there are far more out there honoring those fallen soldiers that gave up their lives for us so we could live freely, then those who aren’t.
Some Gave All –
We too often forget while living in the safety of our American pie homes, there’s someone that fought and died so that we could be safe. So that our families could live happy and carefree. Not having to worry about invasion or war. Death or slavery. Not having to live in constant fear of being stripped of everything they own. Just freedom, pure sweet freedom. However, I propose something to you today, my friends. If you really want to honor the brave men and women that died defending our country, how about you quit sitting quiet idly by while the Government keeps taking away all of our rights and freedoms that they died for?
Here’s a thought, what if we stand up? Get informed, get equipped and go out to take this country back, get it back to grass roots values of, Freedom, Justice. Love of Country, and a cold harsh bitter hatred of Communism, Socialism and Marxism.
Let’s get our nation back to a land of the free. Why? Because of the brave. They were brave enough to die fighting a bloody war over seas, more then once when we called on them, they were there. Is it not the least that we can do to fight here, on our very own American soil? For America? For the cause of Liberty? Is it not? I dare say it isn’t. It’s the least we can do, to take care of what God has given us by the fallen soldiers who died so bravely for this land, and to not allow it to fall into communistic hands.
In Conclusion:
To them we owe it all, yet, there is not much we could give that would account for the cost of their precious life. But we could honor them more then we do. We could teach younger adults to be more respectful to them then they are, we could teach America to love itself again, because. By golly, it seems to me that all the far left wants to do is demonize us. And sure, we’ve made our fair share of mistakes before in the past, and we still aren’t perfect. But bless God, I still love America. There will always be a reason to love America, even when America is not what it once was. If not for the way this country once stood strong as a city on a hill for all the world, at least let it be for the brave fallen soldiers that loved America so much, they died fighting to keep her free.
The flag I fly today in my front yard, it does not fly because the wind moves past it. The American flag flys from the last breath of each military member who has died serving