When you have been praying with your best friend for 30 days straight the subject isn’t something you can get off your mind so easily – I know I can’t! My best buddy and I both believe that last night’s 30th day of prayer is not the end to something great, but that it is just the beginning to something truly wonderful and magnificent in the eyes of God.
After all, the Bible says to pray without ceasing. Last night, we were both discussing how 30 days of prayer together is a very great accomplishment for us and it’s true that we could both skip a few nights and pray separately and then get back into prayer after that but I was listening to him as he said that and he asked me what I wanted to do.
Well, personally, I will continue praying with him as long as he wants me to, so I asked him if he wants me to continue or not and he said it’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just that today he might be real late. Well, we’re gonna figure out how late it’s gonna be before it actually happens if we can and if he says it’s too late we’ll see if we can pray earlier (like 4 or 5 or something).
Though, I like praying at night the best for multiple reasons. If we have to pray earlier today that is fine too, we both feel that it is very important that we can continue on with our daily prayers as long as we can in hopes of one day actually being able to come together in person and pray with each other in that way! That will be a great day!
“Pray without ceasing”- 1 Thessalonians 5:17 K.J.V.
Yesterday, we were getting ready for church and I knew it would be past my bedtime when we got back so I started to call Cameron for prayer earlier, I knew he could and I didn’t know if I could hold out after church because I was real tired and have to get up at 5 am so I can get this blog posted for everyone. (As it’s a daily blog post and I’m trying to keep it that way as long as I can.) He was getting ready to call and I changed my mind and said, “You know what we’ll go ahead and pray after church; it probably won’t be that late.” He asked if I was sure and I said “YES” and then began to explain to him why.
During an afternoon like that, the day isn’t really gone yet, and it’s hard for me to focus with all my full attention because if you’re silent (even if your silent during the day, even in the evening), it’s like you can still feel the world shaking around you with business and restless people. You can just feel the world being busy and I can’t really concentrate well during that. I like praying at night with my best friend because not only do I get to end a day in prayer with him but also, it’s dark out, the sun has gone down the stars are out and it’s like it is way more peaceful during the night.One time when I had to go outside and pray with him I looked up and the sky and seen a shooting star! That was amazing! Night, when it is dark out, is just much more calming and peaceful for me. So I asked him to let’s do our best to keep our prayer at night, but if we have to miss a night prayer today in exchange for an evening one then that’s alright too, as long as we pray together.
“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.”
― Bruce Lee
We pray for many things and strength not only for others but ourselves is right there when we pray, asking him for guidance and there are many on our prayer list – people that God brought to our attention, the ones we should always be praying for, and those who requested that we pray for them.
And that’s what we will continue doing!
Bow your heads, bend your knees, and just pray.
God bless y’all!