Ladies and Gentlemen. Men, Women, Boys and Girls. While this blog post can be read entirely on it’s own, it is part of another which is entirely separate from this one. For those of you who haven’t read that, CLICK HERE. Today I will be continuing that post by discussing the last three topics I mentioned in last weeks post.
I would like to get straight to the point as I wish to take up as little space as possible due to my nonsense rambling. Let us begin then shall we? First, let me begin with…
What is peace? Can anyone apart from God ever know true peace? Many non-believers and some modern day preachers would pose the argument that one can achieve peace without God. But what kind of peace exactly? Better locks on the doors of your home? Or a more secure security system? A vault of weapons and ammunition? How about a bunker deep beneath your feet for you to go to when ‘It all hits the fan’? Perhaps it is a $10,000 mattress? Or a $1,000 pillow? Is that how you achieve peace? Possibly, that is somewhat of a pathway to peace. But is it true peace? Is it real peace? Many people think that peace is ignoring the storms in life, they believe that if one has peace, then they are totally obliterate to the chaos around them. For that last statement, in some ways this is true. Meaning that, the chaos around one with true peace does not affect them nearly as much as it would someone without true peace.
Jesus Christ. Often times, many modern day preachers and Christians will make the case that once you come to Christ, all of your problems and worries will go away. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, once you agree to commit your life to Christ, your life is just going to begin getting chaotic and interesting! So how is this achieving true peace, you might ask? I have said this a many times and I will say it again. Being a Christian does not mean you live without storms. It means, because of Christ, you can come out of the storm VICTORIOUS! One who has true peace, does not ignore or is not obliterate to the chaos around them, they face it every single day. But because of their peace, they can conquer it and emerge from it, victorious.
The bible tells us that those who are without God do not and cannot ever have true peace. It also tells us that, peace found within God is a peace like no other. We may be able to find temporary comfort in this world, but that is all it will be. Temporary. The peace that can be found in Christ, is something to last for eternity.
I cannot write about this subject enough. Hope, it’s an amazing thing. And the most amazing part about hope, is not when you have a lot of it. It’s when you have very little of it. Because that, my friends… THAT is when HOPE will shine the most. How? Let me go on and explain what I mean by this. I have seen time and time and time and again where I am on my last thread of hope, just about to give up and sometimes I even have given up. But then, hope surprises me. And I am blessed and shocked in ways I could have never even predicted in a million years. You have to understand, unlike so many people I know, I have always been quite an optimistic person. I don’t know why. But I am. At this time in particular, I am very optimistic that Ted Cruz can win the Republican Nomination, but am I saying that I put my hope in HIM? No, of course not. One cannot simply put their faith in MAN and expect to get anywhere. Now, hold up. I hear you, I hear you. You’re thinking to yourself right now, shouting in your mind.
True… That’s True, Jesus Christ was IN FACT a man. But here’s the thing. A man alone, he was not. There are some Christians to this day that believe Christ is nothing more then JUST a man. Then there are those who believe that he is a ‘god’ separate from ‘God’ and both of these groups of people could not be more wrong. The scripture is clear, God was manifested in the flesh. He came to earth as a child. He ate with us, walked with us, talked with us. He felt actual pain, he felt our pain. He was in every sense of the word, a MAN. However, here’s the thing. At the same time, he WAS in every sense of the word, GOD. He healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons and rose from the dead. He’s God in the Father, He’s GOD in the Son, and he is GOD in the Holy Ghost. He was, he IS God.
One does not simply deny that Jesus is God. However, so many do on a daily basis. But this is besides the actual point. My hope is not in Ted Cruz. His hope is not in Ted Cruz. His hope and my hope is in Jesus Christ. So when I believe with all my heart that Cruz can and will win. It’s because I myself (and I know Ted does) put my hope In Jesus. My grandparent’s sing a song. I have shared this song over and over again. It is an oldie, but a goodie. They sing this song which was written by their pastors long ago. It is called – “Jesus My Hope Is In You” Anytime my grandma goes to sing it, often throughout the song she makes the point that hope in Christ is all we’ve got. And when you think about, it is. Scripture tells us –
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28 KJV
Brother & Sister Tune Singing “Jesus My Hope Is In You”
In Conclusion:
At this point, you are probably asking yourselves, what about ‘LIFE’? Well, that is just the thing. The key to a whole and fulfilling life is in finding true Love, Joy, Peace and Hope IN Christ! Life without Christ, is not life at all. The scripture says, to live is Christ and, to die is gain. Why? What does this mean? Without Christ, we would have no life. He died on the cross for our sins, without that sacrifice he made. None of us would be here today. He died for us, can we not at least bring ourselves to live for him? In knowing the truth of the Gospel, we know that after death, there is glory. Heaven. We should not fear death, because our reward in heaven is great. So I would like to take this moment to pose this simple question. You do not have to answer right away, but at least ponder it would you? OK, here it goes, you ready?
What Hinders You From Committing Your Life To Christ Today?
I know, I have asked this question before. But it’s a very important question that we must all come to face one day, I’ve heard so many different answers, and I find each and every single one of them interesting. But the fact is, while you sit and think you have tomorrow to choose whom ye will serve, what happens tomorrow is uncertain. Over 150,000 people die each and every single day, how many of those were saved? The answer is unknown. But the time to get right with God could not be any better, and the time to start warning all that you know and claim to love, could not be any sooner. The time is now, Christianity is not a game. It’s not, go to Church every Sunday and where your finest attire while you sit and listen to a guy preach for an hour or so. Those things are good, but Christianity is taking that message with you, out to the streets and letting others know. JESUS IS ALIVE and he SAVES.
Until next time, my dear friends.