The crack of an egg into a hot skillet can be heard throughout the entire house, as a whisk scrapes against the bowl of fresh made pancake batter and the sizzle of sausage is thunderous – while the morning sun rises from behind the wooded skyline.
It’s breakfast time… Or is it? Do we have time for that? Why is it that we tend to ‘lose track of time’? What is so wrong with us that we cannot even make time for a homemade morning meal. Sausage, eggs and pancakes for goodness sake! (I love pancakes with sausage right in the center of them drizzled in maple syrup. Yummy) You know – when I was younger breakfast was my most favorite meal. Whether it be breakfast pizza, bacon and eggs, perhaps biscuits and sausage gravy or maybe pancakes in the shape of mickey mouse. Sometimes it was as simple as butter and jelly on toast. I loved breakfast and when I make the time, it is still my most favorite meal. It IS the most important meal of the day, after all.
I find that breakfast is the most savory delight in the morning. Nothing beats your hunger in the mornings like a good ole’ fashioned home cooked breakfast accompanied by a nice tall glass of Orange Juice – It seems to me that a big American breakfast just cannot be made without a refreshing glass of orange juice. I do enjoy breakfast. But that is not the reason of this blog post. Though it does play a good part in it. We have lost time. In every way in our lives, we lose it every single day and we do not even take that very fact into consideration. We have become so consumed with doing our work faster and faster that we forget to breathe. We don’t take the time to smell the roses. We don’t think we have the time, if something is not done at high-speed then we just curl up in a ball and want to die. Our lives are filled with “Rush, Rush, Rush” or “Hurry, Hurry, Hurry”
“Move faster, faster! Don’t wanna be late! There’s no time for that. Maybe another day!” We work so hard, we move so fast. Yet, it seems we never really accomplish that much good. And we are always turning our lights out for bed as fast as we get up out of bed that morning it seems. Time flies when we fly. But I have noticed that time is also very still, when we are still. The days last longer, when we take the time to enjoy the little things in life. When we take the time to enjoy that glass of orange juice for breakfast. When we take the time to read those bible verses BEFORE breakfast. Ahh… Now we are getting somewhere…
Feed The Soul AND The Body:
The bible tells us that:
It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. – Matthew 4:4 (KJV)
I remember my Pastor and Spiritual Grandpa (Now with the Lord – Brother Thurman Ward) every morning he would get up and before breakfast was even thought of he would have his bible out on the table and would be reading some sort of passage. When we would visit them early in the mornings he would invite us to join them and he would give a full bible teaching before breakfast. He loved the word, he lived in the word and the Word lived IN him. Long gone are the days of the men of ole’. They have passed on and the generation left in this world have big shoes to fill. And for many us, myself included am convicted of this too. We are not at all the warriors for Christ we were made to be. That we SHOULD be. We are to be ‘Soldiers‘ in the LORD’s Army!
We are to walk in the fullness of God, to be a light in the darkness. But too many times, we let time get away from us. We choose to use our time in other activities, perhaps we can’t pry ourselves from our binge session of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” or BBCA’s “Doctor Who” or maybe that new Marvel movie? I have been guilty of this as I’m sure we all have. So many will shout and cheer and erupt in emotion at the Super Bowl or Friday night football, but when they are in the presence of the Almighty God, when they come into his house, wherever that may be. They show no emotion.
We sometimes act as if God has done ‘NOTHING’ for us. I have been guilty of this as well. Not studying in his word like I should, not praising him like he should be praised when he is MORE than deserving of praise, he is worthy of all praise. But we lose track of time. There are no more episodes left to binge of ‘Supernatural’ or ‘The Flash’ or ‘Breaking Bad’. And we find ourselves tired, worn out. When all we’ve done is stare at a screen for hours. ‘Losing time’ so to speak. How dare we. How dare we say we are too tired to give him praise.
He is the Messiah, he is the Son of God, he is our SAVIOR! He is our LORD, Our Redeemer! He died on the cross for our sins, he suffered the ultimate sacrifice. He paid a debt we could not pay, we could never pay in a million years. We are so unworthy, we are so filthy. We are so pitiful, such vile and wicked evil people that we are. To sit and watch hours and hours of TV, movies, reading books, whatever it is that we are doing. Losing track of time. And complaining about how much time we’ve lost. God have mercy on us, forgive us of our sins and trespasses against you O’Lord, we are not worthy. We are like filthy rags compared to you, we are gone out into darkness, we are no good. Lord fill us with a fire in our souls, let those Holy Ghost flames roar within us. Pour your spirit out on us and cleanse us of our sins and pour out upon your Church a passion for your truth.
Let our hearts be humbled and our eyes be opened. O’Lord let us walk in your way, hold up our goings in your way that our footsteps slip not. Time is of the essence. The day of salvation is now, we know this.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O’Lord my Strength and my Redeemer. – Psalms 19:14 (KJV)
In Conclusion:
I know that time can get away from us all, I know that it can be hard sometimes to keep a daily bible schedule. But we must feed our Spirit to sustain our bodies. In word, and in prayer. The bible tells us – JESUS tells us:
Watch ye and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41 (KJV)
It is so easy to fall, to stumble and trespass against our Lord. It can be so easy to neglect him and his word. In this day and age it can be far too easy. But to keep going in this life, to keep walking in his truth, to be able to fight this good fight. In these days especially. We must bury ourselves deep in his word. We must put on the whole armor of God. The bible teaches us that the enemy will come, he will tempt us. He will tell us we are not saved, he will tell us we can’t make it. He will tell us that it’s not worth it, we are not worth it. That Jesus does not love us, that he has forsaken us and that we might as well just give up and die. But the bible tells us when we are tempted, we must remember these three important things:
- Call upon the name of the Lord.
- Speak the word Of God
- At the name of Jesus – The devil must flee.
He is most certainly worthy of all praise. Be not dismayed brethren. For the Lord our God is with us and he is looking out for us and he will deliver us from our enemies.
May he bless you and keep you, may he make his face shine upon you, may he be gracious unto you, may he lift up his countenance to up and may he give you…