Hello and welcome once again to my heavenly abode, may you all be welcomed in Jesus precious name amen and Shalom.
With all this wickedness in today’s world, with churches condoning gay marriage and Christians saying that “they are born that way” and with all this sinful nature in the world there is just one thing many people seem to forget or sadly do not pay attention to at all is that: Jesus died for the FORGIVENESS of sins not the ACCEPTANCE of sin, Jesus LOVED the ‘sinner’ but HATED the ‘sin’ we cannot condone sin. People are NOT born gay. That’s absurdity and biblically it’s an abomination. (It is not of ‘love’ rather of lust) And we as God fearing christians are to uphold his truths and not bow down to the wicked carnally mindset of man made garbage in this world.
Most tend to forget that Jesus said if we loved him we would keep his commandments which are MANY commandments.. If we deny his TRUTH and fail to warn people of the consequences of their actions biblically taught to us if they don’t TURN from their wicked ways.. If we deny that, we will be denying Jesus and if we deny Jesus he in the end will deny us. We are so consumed in this thing about ‘saving feelings’ but the thing is, God called us to be courageous, he called us to be bold, fearless he called us to save ‘souls’ not ‘feelings’. If we truly love our brother and sister in Christ we will look after them that they may not stray from the path that God has set out for us all.
He is a holy God, he is a just God, he is a jealous God with a mighty hand of wrath upon those that do not obey his commandments. But because of his loving grace if we humble ourselves and beg from him forgiveness and TURN away from our wicked ways and begin a new life where we put off the things of the old man and all things become NEW then will we be able to live sure in the salvation of our lord Jesus Christ and loving savior. He loved the world so much he died on the cross so that we could have an opportunity to CHANGE our lives and be BORN again…
Be Transformed:
Everywhere in the bible when Jesus performed his miracles and TRANSFORMED people’s lives they began a NEW life leading a NEW life with a CLEANSED soul, when he said to the woman at the well that her sins were FORGIVEN she had to go back to her first husband. She didn’t get to go back to her old ways. Jesus didn’t ACCEPT that.
He doesn’t ACCEPT sin.
He don’t ‘accept’ us AS WE ARE he accepts us as we are when we come to him KNOWING what we can BECOME in him, as what he KNOWS we could be in him if we would JUST humble ourselves and ALLOW the transformation to be done in our lives, there’s too many people playing church, playing with God. Jesus loved us all so much he died so that if we get our life on track according to his perfect plan leading a sinless and holy life we could be spared from hell, no man without holiness shall see the kingdom of God, We all have the right to live however it is that we please but one day we will ALL have to pay the cost.
People seem to forget that Jesus that was in a rage at the money changers in the synagogue, whipping and yelling at them in an holy anger and that is what we as the saints of God need to embrace, we need to embrace a LOVE to lead others to the light and see their lives transformed from the truth of God, an holy anger to defend his truth and an holy hatred toward all matter of sin and wickedness in this world
- And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
For we are IN this world but NOT OF this world!
We are ALL called to be messengers, we are ALL called to testify and witness to others the dangers of hell especially in these times, WAKE UP SLEEPING GIANT! The church needs to awake! God is calling but many are ignoring his call Christians need not be afraid to speak his truth..
Because the thing of it is, is that christians are all too soft spoken these days.
We need not be so soft spoken that we mislead others because of misinterpretation of what we said, but we also need not speak so loudly and harshly (as the westboro baptist church members do) that we run off sinners and hardened their hearts even worse.
No, the scripture says to everything there is a season and a time for everything… And there is that time to stand bold on the word of God and not fall for the lies that these wishy washy preachers are trying to indoctrinate into our minds, Jesus didn’t pay the ultimate sacrifice for us to defy and deny him and his truth every day by leading others astray, every person that walks into our lives by how we witness to them by the TRUTH that WE know if we don’t do EVERYTHING in our power according to what it is that WE know then their blood WILL be on OUR hands!
And if that soul goes to hell because WE didn’t judge according to the scripture, then GOD will condemn us for letting them fall away from him because we KNEW better but CHOSE not to say anything to save their ‘feelings’ and when they find their ‘soul’ is lost because that christian didn’t do what HE/SHE/WE are supposed to do, it will be a horrible event to see and we will be judged for it… Jesus loves us all and if we love him we will keep his commandments and share his commandments with others…
In Conclusion:
It is our Christian duty. We are obliged by God.
And I for one will not have the blood of another persons soul on my hands, we are in the soul saving business with God, God isn’t in the “feeling saving” business if someone’s feelings get hurt, yet their soul is saved because of it then so be it.
There is a time and a place:
- And of some have compassion, making a difference:
- And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. (Jude 1:22-23 KJV)
- For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10 KJV)
- Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? (Galatians 4:16 KJV)
I am not out to please man, and we as Christians will either serve Christ or satan, we cannot sit on the fence. I’ve said this many times, we must be hot or cold. With God or against him, either we stand BOLD by his word or we are not standing at all. If I am your enemy for telling the truth, so be it I would rather be the enemy of man, then be the enemy of God. and I will say this again, I take much gladness in being worthy to suffer shame for his name in being the enemy of man.
I want nothing more than to see lost souls saved, but to see them saved, we must speak TRUTH. I believe God can save anybody, but they must be willing to change for him, there is NO compromise with God, only forgiveness once we turn from our evil ways. If we do not then it is hell to pay.
- For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16 KJV)
Go out, be bold, be courageous, be a servant of God.