I’d like to share with you today, the last audio recording of mine for quite awhile.
I titled this piece “Imagine A World” because if you listen to the background music, which comes from “The Secession” on youtube; I was inspired just by listening to this song called “Move Forth” it’s amazing. I love listening to music, I really love everything that music has to offer us and if I do say so myself well, sometimes I can get a bit carried away.
However, as I was watching youtube one night thinking as always, I ran across this song and while It’s not the first time I’ve listened to this group, I have to say that this time I was truly consumed with inspiration, I immediately started writing the words that I heard as I was listening and then I went on to make an audio recording of it, which was almost impossible trying to get done because of the limited space on the computer (which is now full.)
I was struggling but eventually I got it done, and I’m pretty proud at how it turned out, and when I get the first chance I can I am going to make a video along with it and launch a campaign called –
Be A Difference – See A Difference:
Because these are some of the most important things that I can think of that we as a society can do to make our world a better place, because if we don’t do these things then we will sadly continue to rush down this hill of hate, anger, angst, racism, violence, discrimination and cruelty.
I’m sure no one wants that, I sure don’t. But sadly I see it everywhere, Hate – I see it in the schoolrooms of our children’s schools, I see it in the big shot businesses of our society, it is easily spotted in the dark shadows of our media, our politics, our ‘religions’ in Christianity.
It can be spotted from all corners of this earth, with old hatred rising in the Middle East against the Jewish people, with what is happening in Ferguson, it seems to me that no one is really looking around for a solution. It seems to me that everyone is too busy blaming each other totally completely ignoring all facts and all logic, making it about race, oh the liberals have been doing that for years, Al Sharpton and others spew their hate against the Whites and I don’t deny there are White people doing the same against blacks.
But fire with fire will only cause more fire my friends, we have to fight this thing with real love, real truth, real equality, not a wishy washy love – not a half truth, not a liberal equality, but to get down to the core of this we need to reach deep within ourselves and start looking beyond race, color and sex.
Be Better:
It is incredibly painful to me how the hate is rising in our country from all sides against all people, of all types in all faiths, races, political agendas and society over all is deteriorating something fierce. It’s deeply disturbing, It angers me that people do what they do, people’s stupidity angers me, peoples lack of facts, ignorance and blindness to the truth it all angers every last fiber of my being. I might even rant and rave, but we have got to quit pouring gasoline on fire that will indeed create more fire.
We’ve got to be better, we’ve got to look at each other as people. #LIFEMATTERS ALL Life matters because if it doesn’t then what type of society are we? I don’t deny Racism, when I notice it or sense it I get upset, but everyone plays the race card, discrimination and it’s ruled out any possibility of real racism and it’s affected those people, it’s only stirred up more hate sadly, and things are not as racist as the left keeps trying to make them out to be.
If you’re somebody that really wants to see a difference, then be a difference.
Because once we start doing that, that my friends, that is when we will truly SEE a difference.
Imagine A World:
Imagine a world where anything is possible, where dreams always come true hearts never break, tears are never shed, lies are never told, pain isn’t a reality. Imagine a world filled with pure bliss, joy, love, peace, kindness, friendship, togetherness, laughter.
No cancer, no sickness or disease at all.
Imagine a world without hate a world without crime a world without war a world without hunger.
Imagine the best world your mind can possibly imagine, now open your eyes and go out to make that world – your world.
Life is precious, make it count.
Be A Difference – See A Difference
Audio Clip: