I’m Not Sorry.

Church these days isn’t what it once was two generations ago, not even one generation, I have never experienced or seen Church the way that maybe my Grandma would have or even the way my mom might have. d6923642636390a5c515cc858a362addIt appears to me that over the course of time our Church has grown weak, feeble, soft (If I may) it seems to me that the Church has grown selfish, worldly and losing all sight of what the main purpose of everything is really about, and when that happens then all things good can easily become lost, people can begin letting all manner of sin in the house of God, what was once unimaginable and unthinkable is now accepted as normal it appears to me that we are failing. We are failing God, those that will come behind us, our country and we are failing ourselves, it’s a crying shame, I have noticed more and more in these days that there are far too many ‘Apologetic’s’ behind the pulpits (and I don’t mean theology) but I for one am NOT sorry for what I believe, I am NOT sorry that I believe upon the Gospel Of Jesus Christ.

I will not constantly try to smooth talk my way through a message that I know good and well has come from the word of God and from the Holy Ghost’s guidance, I will not continuously look out for your feelings like you are some little helpless child that needs to be watched over every minute of the day, and no, I won’t try and shout you down, I won’t mistreat you or purposely try to make you feel condemned, that is not my goal my only goal as a servant of Christ is to share his message with others wherever I go, without apology for however it may offend someone.

My only goal is to reach out in genuine love for you as a follower of Christ who cares greatly for the well being of your soul, that is my only goal. If in someway you are offended, condemned or hurt by whatever message I give, that is not of my own doing, that is not my problem, and I will NOT apologize for preaching what I believe God has called me to preach.

The Holy Ghost Convicts:

Does anyone remember services where you would walk in and if you weren’t where you were supposed to be with God you would know it by the power of the Holy Ghost in the Church? That’s the problem though, at the end of last week I mentioned that the modern church is afraid to mention the power of the Holy Ghost and because of this sin is easily able to infect our churches and it’s people, and this can easily become a great obstruction for us as Christians.

When you aren’t spiritually ready to face the enemy then it can quickly devour you along with it and what you meant for good can so rapidly turn into something devastating, now it isn’t wrong at all to try and reach out to everyone that you possibly can, but at the same time, there are instances where the enemy will send in someone ‘purposely’ to try and destroy the church, it happens all the time and I myself have seen this in my own life, and if we as a people aren’t ready in Spirit then it can devour us, the bible tells us that there is conviction that comes from the power of the Holy Ghost, such conviction has been lost today, but if any feel convicted one bit while reading or hearing anything I have to say, let this be known unto them.

  • For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12 KJV
  • And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: – John 16:8 KJV (Jesus Speaking of the Holy Ghost)

The truth of the Gospel will bring people to the acknowledgement of their wrong doings by the power of the Holy Ghost all on it’s on, we don’t need to do any extra effort in trying to make people feel bad and we most certainly shouldn’t, and that isn’t my goal, my number one goal is to bring people to acknowledge his truth as I know it, I will always share this word with others knowing that it is the infallible word of the one true God, and that is another thing.

In Conclusion:

I am NOT sorry that I believe in the one true God of this entire universe who is Jesus Christ, King of kings and the Lord of lords, he is the great I AM and the I AM HE and I will not apologize for believing that HE IS everything and more, that is what we need, we need an unapologetic movement of God’s church, not filled with anger or hate, but people that are filled with a great passion and LOVE for Christ, for his word and for what he has done for us, THE Church now more than ever needs to rise up unashamed for Christ’s word like never before.

  • For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. – Romans 1:16 KJV

Are you ‘ashamed’? I am not, and I will not ever allow anyone to try and push me into a corner out of fear or anger either, nor will I try to do anyone else the same, rather I will continue to speak the truth of the word of God without apologizing for it’s holiness and I will love with a Christ like love, and I encourage everyone else to do the same, because it is the only way, it is HIS way, it is the way that we are all supposed to go down no matter how hard things may get from time to time, we must all keep moving on.

And we must all say that NO, we are NOT sorry for being who WE are, we are NOT sorry for loving Christ, we are NOT sorry for upholding his righteousness, we are NOT sorry for believing in his word and we most certainly are NOT sorry for living for him, the one TRUE God.

Until next time…


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