We must all come to the realization that we aren’t the best that we can or even should be. There are small little imperfections about us that we cannot fix and other things that could do with some improvement. However, no matter what we must learn that we are not the most perfect human beings that have ever walked the face of the earth, we may be smart and know a lot, but we still have much left to learn.
I wrote one week about how we all have our own shoes to fill, you see. While some people sit on their high horse and look down upon on others as if they are mere lowly peasants not worth anyone’s time of day. They have a story, they have a heart, they have mind and a soul and they have emotion. Humans is what they are, humans like you and me, they aren’t perfect, some may not be so great with Math, while others may not be so good at grammar. Or perhaps they cannot even write or read at all, is that any cause to make fun of them, is that any reason? I think not. You see, we often forget that we ourselves at one point did not know the things we knew, maybe we were completely ignorant to everything we know now. But maybe, just maybe, someone took the time to share their expertise with us. Instead of shaming us into thinking we are nothing, instead of making cruel jokes and saying bad things about us without actually saying them.
Perhaps instead of saying those cruel comments out loud at all? I guess there will always be those who try and make us feel lowly of ourselves. I suppose that there will always be critiques. But we don’t have to allow those criticisms to get us down, as matter of fact, we don’t even have to let it be criticism at all. We can flip flop something around that was meant to be bad, and we can make it into a beautiful like transformation. Let’s not allow others to break us, let’s let them help to make us. That’s what I always say, lets rise high above our normal comfort zone. And let’s all try to be a little better than we normally are, let us not allow our imperfection’s to weaken us or prohibit us from achieving our dreams and for sure let’s not allow cruel comments to crush our self-esteem. Because we know in our hearts who we are, and we know that we do the best we can.
Do Your BEST – Leave the REST
Sometimes all you can do is the best that you can do, “Do your best and leave the rest, and hope to pass the test.” That’s another little quote that I always say, something I combined from the old ‘Black Beauty’ movie and my own thoughts during the time that my Mother had left back in 2011. It’s still something that I tell myself to this very day, because all you can ever do is the best that you can do and if you still end up getting burned in the process, then at least you tried. That’s bound to count for something isn’t it? Well, who knows it does, right? Maybe we are all just really that bad at being decent humans, or maybe others are really that bad at being good friends in this life. Or what if it’s a little of both? I think it is, even when we give it our absolute best, we will still make mistakes both big and small and that’s just a fact of life.
No matter how good we get at something, there is always going to be someone better than us at it, and that is perfectly fine because it is only another small fact of life. That should only make us want to try harder at what we do, so we can keep improving in our work or passion, and maybe we could even learn from those better than us. I mean after all, they didn’t get to be so good by being jealous of someone’s talent did they? They couldn’t have, they stepped up to the plate and became better instead of bitter and now we are back to that. That is the key no matter where we go, whether it come to getting cut off in traffic or finding out that someone may be better at something than you are, the key is to be better instead of bitter.
In Conclusion:
As Christian’s we know that we aren’t perfect, we are only human, but we also know that being human is no excuse to sin willfully and we also know that because we are mere humans with many weaknesses (imperfect in many ways) we are forgiven by God of all the things that we have ever done or may do ‘unknowingly’ in the future. Because that is just how loving and amazing Jesus Christ is, he is holy and he is just, he loves with such an amazing love and he judges with a mighty hand of glory and of power because he is full of righteousness beyond our imagination.
Remember this the next time you see someone sitting on their high horse judging others for every little imperfection, or remember this the next time YOU, yourself start to do the same to others. The murder deserves punishment, the thief deserves just punishment as does the drunkard and the alcoholic and the adulterer and the fornicator and the bully. And you get the picture I’m sure, we all have a big something or a little something that deems us worthy of hell. We have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and though it can be easy at times to become quickly angered at others hypocrisy and though they are justly deserving of unmerciful punishment – we can’t forget. SO ARE WE. While sins are different in a legal sense, they are the same in an eternal sense, meaning that if we are to continue in our sins willfully then… The punishment is death and separation from God. For.. Eternity. And because we all have had our fair share of sins, this makes us JUST as deserving of unmerciful punishment as it does anyone else who has.
Thank you for reading today’s post, until next time my dear friends, I pray that you have a very blessed with many moments of great love, joy, laughter and…