I’m Dying…

There are those who ‘want’ to live their life to the fullest and then there are those who actually do, there are those who spend all of their life working in it so hard and so frequently that they don’t take the time to actually ‘LIVE’ age doesn’t define how long we have lived, because you can be 120 years old, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have really began to give it all that you have and live all you can.

o-JESUS-CARRYING-CROSS-facebookI am dying, everyday I get up I die, for many reasons. The main reason is the fact that I have to die to my own self and put God first in everything it is that I do, making sure that I please him, which is hard for someone my age but I have always been able to be faithful in all situations no matter what it is that they may be or how hard. I have often wondered why it is that no matter how much I have tried and no matter how much effort I have put in to finding a job, I still haven’t been able to get hired anywhere at all, I have gone dressed up, I have gone dressed casually, I have done everything it is that I could possibly do and I have went to every place in this town at least 5 times or more and everywhere else close to where I live and still unable to get any kind of job, it’s frustrating because now that I am old enough to finally help my family financially, I can’t seem to be much help, and I have asked God for his will every time and I don’t want anything less than that, but being able to trust and obey is many times easier said then done.

Each day that I wake I am dying from not being able to do something that I truly love, like making some type of film, acting, voice acting, doing some type of voice over work or just having people nearby that I could work on such projects with, it many times feels like my passion is slowly dying inside me with each passing day and it gets to me a lot but what can I do? I understand that sometimes things have to be put on hold and I can handle that but I am really dying to get out and create amazing inspiring stories that really make a big difference in any way that I can, I am dying to uplift others in the most unthinkable way possible, I am dying to make people laugh until they cry and cry until they laugh with remarkable heartwarming touching stories that makes people truly face themselves and THINK. Something that makes them THINK about the world around them, something that really gets them to thinking about what it truly means to pick up their cross DAILY and DIE to ourselves with TOTAL surrender to Christ.


To die daily is to surrender daily to someone much more powerful and much more wiser than ourselves and I understand for many of the people my age these days this isn’t something that will come so easily for them, and that is fine, because accepting the truth is never easy but let us not forget that just because it isn’t easy that doesn’t make it impossible, if you really want what is best for you in your life, if WE really want what is best for us in our lives then we must be willing to trust that God knows what that is. We must be willing to trust that he is capable of leading us through the darkest pits and up the steepest mountains, out of the loneliest valleys and on to the highest hill, we must be willing to trust that he is the all powerful and all knowing God of the Israelites that he brought out of slavery in Egypt, we must be able to fully give him all control of our lives, praising him at all times.

So yes, I’m dying, I’m dying to myself first, and I’m dying to the world, I’m dying to help, I’m dying to be a light for this world, I’m dying to be some type of sign of hope for others, I’m dying to make a difference and I’m dying to be a difference, I’m dying so that I can see a difference and I’m dying for a day where people are greatly moved by films that I make, stories that I tell, stories of TRUTH – LOVE – and BOLDNESS, stories where what is most important is ‘Family Values’ because it matters. It matters that we uphold the core principals of our beliefs, it matters that we are willing to die for the key ethics that we say we believe, not in some radical terrorist way, but in a loving way. In such a way that people know we love them so much that we would give our lives just so they could hear his gospel.

His Gospel of Love, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Holiness, Truth, Courage, Strength, Hope, Boldness.

In Conclusion:

I’m dying to live for Christ the best way that I possibly can, and I’m dying for you to join me my friend, I want you to know that Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and I want you to know him as your own. I’m hoping that you have been blessed by today’s post and the conclusion of this post is that we are all to be a light of his word, to do this we are to die to ourselves daily so that he can have full radiance within us, so that his witness shines through us in such a way that is far brighter than anything else, because yes. I do want to make movies, dramatic Christian family tv shows and so much more and I want people to be impacted by those and I want those people to see God in me first and foremost and I pray that his blessing be upon whatever It is that I may do because I put him first and I know that because of that he will honor that.

Put God first and he will honor that, of course we know that we are not saved by any manner of works, rather we were saved FOR his workmanship which I find rather remarkable. Because his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts so we can’t possibly begin to think that his works are our works, his works are far more greater and far more powerful than we could ever possibly imagine, which is why when we do something that he has called us to do and when we obey him. The outcome of that obedience is a hundred times greater than anything that we could have ever done on our own and I think that’s just amazing, that’s why I am dying to do all that I can for Christ and be all that I can, that is why I’m dying on this very day.

That is why I’m dying tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day and that is why I will continue to live as if I’m dying, because I truly am dying on a daily basis to myself, and I encourage everyone to do the same. Thank you so much for joining me today and I hope that you have a blessed rest of your day and until we blog again may you be richly blessed beyond your wildest imaginations.


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