Good surfing to you, my friends that are scattered across the inter-web. I know that it has been quite sometime since I have written anything, and I think I’m quite ready for another adventure, is that not what the title says? Yes, yes it does say that indeed.
Moving forward…
I could sit here and type this post up in the comfort of my own home with a great big smile on my face and tell you the reason being that I haven’t posted in such a long time is that I was working two jobs, dragging in late hours of the night hardly even able to walk and not sure if I was gonna be able to wake up the next morning for my next shift – or if I was gonna sleep past my alarm clock due to a serious case of sleep deprivation. I could go into great detail about the state of constant work that I was in. However, I won’t do that. I would rather tell you of the state of which I am currently in as of this very moment. You know, the moment in which I am writing to you right now, in the comfort of my very own home. I think you would like to hear a lot more about that… So, let’s get started then – shall we?
Working From Home –
I never thought it was possible, I was working day in and day out and it did not even seem like I was getting anywhere and it did not feel like I was even where I was supposed to be. I was missing more Church services than I would have liked to and that was too bad because I had just found me a great place of worship to go to with my next door neighbor, which I’ll write more about in the future. As of right now though – let’s continue… First I’m going to have to back track a couple months.
September 2017 –
Sometime in September of 2017 my Grandma came across this great product and business opportunity (a little background on that) my Grandma has struggled with Lyme disease since the 80’s due to a severe case of tick fever. I watched as her physical and mental health was deteriorating rapidly before my eyes. She was having to shuffle around in the garden and sit and take breaks all the time and her hands were all knotted up and she just couldn’t think or barely function because of how this terrible disease was attacking her body. She couldn’t take it anymore… And my Grandpa’s health has never been so great either, so when she came upon this product HEMPWORX and when her and my Grandpa both started taking it and when it WORKED for them, I was absolutely astounded!
You see, over the course of working two jobs – on TOP of my other health issues (some of which I had been with since BIRTH) it had began taking a serious toll on my body. I had developed a serious case of Plantar’s Fasciitis on my right heel, I would say that the knot in my right heel had grown to the size of a marble. Any time that I would sit for a little while after working all day on my feet, I would experience sharp, excruciating pain. It was even worse when I had to stand in one spot for a long time. I had began dragging that foot behind me, limping. Unable to breathe sometimes due to this pain. It was a nightmare. I never thought that I would see my pain go away, I was having to take two 250mg Naproxen pills TWICE a day, just to cope! And I still was in pain!
Where I Found Relief –
That’s when I finally decided to LISTEN to my Grandma, and I started taking this POWERFUL product. The reason I started is because I was TIRED of being in pain, doctors have oftentimes told me my whole life that I wasn’t even in pain, I was making it up. But I knew how I felt and I was just tired of it. I was sick all the time, tired, and just plain hurting! Within FIVE days of these natural herbal drops. I noticed a dramatic INCREASE in pain RELIEF! I was able to walk again without that terrible pain, I could use my hands again! I wasn’t having as many headaches and most of all – and this one means A LOT to me. I wasn’t getting sick anymore!
But WAIT – There’s MORE!
Even MORE than THAT though… I noticed my Plantar’s Fasciitis pain was GONE! Fast forward to now, I have watched that marble sized tissue go all the way down to the size of a pea and it has been diminishing DAILY… I can BREATHE again! SO… That being said, from the minute I started taking these amazing drops of wonder, I knew… I just KNEW that I HAD to share them with the rest of the world. I became an Independent Affiliate with MY DAILY CHOICE – HEMPWORX
It CAN Be Done!
Which brings me to end of this story… But the beginning of this JOURNEY! I have never been any happier, feel any better or lived any louder than I am now. I get up every day and I get a chance to help others! And if you know me at all from the all the past blog posts, videos, audios and radio shows, you should know that… More than ANYTHING, I have a heart for PEOPLE! Even more so HELPING people! And that is what I am going to do. Because while pain may be a part of each and every one of our lives. It doesn’t have to be. It can be better, there can be more! So much more, you don’t have to suffer anymore. A Better Life CAN Be Done! God has given us the resources to sustain our bodies and we must utilize every single one of them, so that we can obtain better health and wealth!
Let me stop right here and say this, I am required to tell you this, If I do not tell you this all sorts of things could go wrong. You may even experience complete loss of pain, better health over all and even better wealth over all – if you choose to join me. But you won’t. This product I’m talking about does not help anyone, it hasn’t helped anyone and it cannot help you. No one has been making any money, and neither will you. These are just stories. This is my story, take from it what you will and do with the information I have left for you what you will. If you are like me, and you are tired of doing the same thing over and over again (which is the very definition of insanity) then you will take a leap of FAITH and JOIN ME!
My Testimony Of HEMPWORX:
Thank you for taking the time to read and listen, and possibly share with your friends, your family and anyone else you care about. And if you do choose to JOIN ME in this great adventure, kudos to you! Welcome aboard!
Until Next Time….