Good day everyone, whatever time it is, wherever you and whoever you are I’d like to personally welcome you to my blog post for today and lets just get started with it right away then why don’t we? How was yesterday’s blog post? It was one of my favorites to ever write and my Australian mate’s enjoyed it very much and thanked me. However today I am going to be writing on a different note, more a spiritual writing for today.
Now as you know somethings have been going on with me and my family, we have been hurt, taken advantage of, lied to, mocked, laughed at, ridiculed and people just keep throwing those stumbling blocks, but we’re determined to turn them over and make them stepping stones and we just gotta keep right on trucking for Jesus Christ right? Because the world is already such a dark place and if we give in and let the devil blow out our light then it’ll just be that much darker in this cold, cruel wicked world. And that won’t be doing much help then now will it? No my friends it most certainly will NOT. That is why at some point in our day to day struggles and trials we have to come to the realization that we are FREE we are free from all those worries, those pains, those heartaches and those lies people told us. We are most definitely free from carrying those burdens.
When was it that I came to the realization that I am free? Yesterday I wrote about my two new Aussie mate’s, well I was talking with T’Bird one night and was telling him things going on with my mom and everything else and he was just encouraging me and everything and then after not long he had began to pray for me and I thanked him for that and told him that God will surely bless him and he was just happy to be a friend. I went on to bed but woke straight up moments later with a deep peace and very calming realization that I am FREE, free indeed. I have came to realize though these things may upset us from time to time, they may get really hard to deal with. They may make us want to jump up and down on somebody’s head or slap some people around. We have to learn that we gotta be willing to LET LOOSE and Let GOD. Let God have his way in the situation, he’s already gone before us and he knows just where we are and just what we need.
We have got to come to that ever so blissful realization that we are FREE, the moment Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave we were on that very moment instantly free of shackles of heartache, pain, addictions, sicknesses, anger,hate, jealously, worry, sadness, mischief, all the burdens, the troubles, the fears, tears and horrendous years of the past we became free and we as his children have to start living like we’re free and when we come to that ever so peaceful realization our perspective on things will change. Sure things will still bother us, we are only human, but we aren’t going to let them get to us like they used to.
We aren’t going to let things dig at our skin until we bleed out from worry. We aren’t gonna let our heart be troubled because deep down we know that no matter what happens in our life, no matter how hot the fire may get or how high the water rises, how much the earth quakes and shakes or how strong the wind gets we know that we know God and if we know God we know we are set FREE through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Do you know tonight, today, this evening, this morning, this afternoon. Do you know that you are free? You are free indeed, saved by his amazing grace, through Jesus Christ, alone? Think about that. You’ve been set free, redeemed and ridden of all your burdens the moment that you come to Christ.
With the 4th Of July coming up (Independence Day) I thought this was a great time to get this out and a great time to come to such a fantastic realization, no? Well we know that in America we are free, however our freedoms are being taking away from us almost on a daily basis and rapidly faster and faster with each passing moment it’s quite sad. Especially all those who lost their lives for that freedom. They may be able to take away our liberty in America, which won’t happen without a fight. So many people are just allowing this to happen it’s ridiculous. But one thing is for sure! They can NEVER take away the freedom that is given to us by the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for reading today God bless.