Life is like a chocolate cream filled Donut, if you cut it open in half, it can then be divided into two sides. Each side being what man considers to be right and wrong. However, it appears that there is still the cream to be dealt with. What is the cream? The cream is the truth, and the truth will forever abide.
The Bible can be used for many things, comfort, peace, joy, relief. Something to help you cope with life or something to help you merely get by when things aren’t going the way you planned. You can use it to beat people down, or use it to raise them up. It can be used to fool people and it can be used to hurt people. Sometimes that hurt can be intentional, other times it isn’t completely intentional or it may not even be intentional at all. The Bible can make people cry tears of pain or laugh, laughs of mockery. Or it can make them cry tears of joy and sorrow for Christ’s death and laugh laughs of bubbling joy that only comes from the Spirit of God.
The Bible can be dangerous to the soul when interpreted the wrong way or it can be wondrous to the soul when spoken in it’s full truth. It can either be used to hate everything and everyone to hell, or love everything and everyone to hell. Or it can be used to love people with true love, with truth and boldness for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ultimately, the choice is left up entirely to us. Whether we decide to make the right one is another story. Let us not forget, the side of truth will always reign most high above all else. So let us stand for truth, let us teach truth and let us defend TRUTH.
There Is An Equal Balance –
I am constantly telling everyone I know that there IS an equal balance to the scriptures. You see, most Christian’s today either want to be so strict that they almost choke themselves off from God and others with rules, or they are so filled with a wishy washy lovey dubby love that they fall into the trap of using ‘grace’ as an excuse to sin. And neither of those are good ways to lead a walk with God, The Almighty. I see so much HATE today, whether it’s angry Christian’s or angry gay’s or angry atheists it does not make no difference. Hate is hate. If the Christian’s hold up a sign saying that “God Hates Gay People” then the atheists and gays are most likely to retaliate with an even bigger sign saying that “God Hate’s Signs” or “F*** this guy.”
But don’t get me wrong, the tables can turn and the events can go both ways. Gays and atheists can hold up their signs of hate to Christian’s and Christian’s have been known to retaliate right back in the same hateful ways, which in turn continues to feed into a never ending cycle of ‘fueling fire with fire.’ When will it end? Is it at all possible that we could BOTH just once stop trying to solve our problems with HATE and instead in turn try and actually LISTEN to one another? Will we agree? Probably not, but what is the point of hating? Where is that getting us? But let us not confuse HATE with TRUTH or strong held beliefs.
The Bible Speaks Truth –
As a Christian, I believe every single word of the bible. I will admit that there are many things I have yet to understand and many more things that I may never understand in this life, however. That is just fine. You know why? Not once in the scripture did Christ tell me that I MUST understand everything, rather he said this.
Scripture Verse:
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. – Mark 16:31 KJV
(I got that from one of Rev. Billy Graham’s old sermons.) A very smart and anointed man he is, and his son is stepping into his line of work just fine. Many times he is criticized for spewing ‘hate’ when in reality all he is doing is professing his faith, now what exactly is it any good to the world for a ‘Christian’ to not believe what he says he believes? Or even better, for a ‘Christian’ not to actually go out and ‘PRACTICE’ what he preaches. I mean, isn’t this the cause of us getting so harshly judged for by the left, is us not being ‘Christian’ enough? Yet, for whatever reason. When we actually DO show our faith, the liberal media and angry atheist’s just go into a wild frenzy making accusations of us ‘spewing hate’.
Scripture Verse:
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? – Galatians 4:16 KJV
Well, I guess I am. And I would much rather be the enemy of MAN than be the enemy of an all powerful, all knowing and all seeing Almighty God. There are those among us in the church world today that do not believe we should call out sin in the church or in the world when we see it. They tell us that is not biblical, it’s judgmental. “You can’t judge other people’s convictions. We have ALL sinned and all have fallen short.” Yes, yes we have. However, we are meant to be free now. I have no problem with people falling in their walk with Christ ‘occasionally’ (meaning rarely) we are all prone to that, it is our human nature. However, our human nature is NO excuse to continue on in a willful sin. Just as Grace is no excuse either.
In Conclusion:
The lesson to be learned is this, be very wise in how you use your bible. Because there is only one right way to use it, but many wrong ways. And it can be so easy to use his word as an excuse and even easier to use it to hurt people. Using it as an excuse to sin is just as bad or worse than those who use it to torment people and crucify others and judge them in an unrighteous fashion. What may seem right can many times be wrong and what may seem wrong can be wrong.
However, there is indeed an equal balance to the scripture. We must not love or beat others to hell, and we cannot speak so softly that our words are misunderstood or so loudly that we scare everyone away. Rather we need to present his word and his truth with utmost sincerity, utmost love and utmost dedication to the cause of holiness and truth. Because even though the bible can be used for many things, it’s one true purpose is to guide people, to teach people.
To lead them to the truth of salvation and holiness, to lead them to God. Christ. I hope you enjoyed today’s blog post and until next time let me wish you a blessed day.