Interesting title for me to choose now isn’t it? Yes, it is indeed. And let me just explain to you why it is that I’ve chosen to title this blog post as such, I recently wrote a blog post, and in that post I mentioned my two new amazing mate’s from Australia, I also happened to mention I would talk about them later and this is now later!
How did I ever in my life come upon these crazy Christian guys literally all the way across the world from me? I really have no idea myself. It was late one Thursday night and I had decided to search youtube from some “Clean Christian Comedy” which I had done a gazillion times however this time something different showed up, it was these two crazy guys sitting in a room with a stick horse, I thought well.. That looks rather weird HA! So, I went ahead and clicked on the link and was like… “What on earth?” I continued watching and soon discovered these guys were absolutely crazy then more than that I discovered they were very strong in their Christian faith with a very close relationship to their Father in heaven and a very great love for him and those around them. I discovered they have a very special ability to make be so ridiculously insane while being able to get the bold truth of God’s message out at the same time. Who was it I discovered?
These awesome mate’s and brothers in Christ right here, Thomas (T’Bird) to the left of the photo and Isaac (Indy) to the right:
I discovered that they are both very kind, very considerate, very very funny, crazy and easy going down to earth people. I discovered that even though they can be a gazillion miles away and literally all the way across the world from me that they can feel just as close to here as anyone else because I discovered that is what the body of Christ is, it doesn’t matter where we live, what part of the world we live in whether we live in a shack or a nice brick home we that follow Jesus Christ and serve him with such love and heart as TBIRD & Indy are all part of this great big body that is the body of the Christ.
We all have many different talents and different places in the world that God wants us to be but we come and find that nevertheless we are still his body, we are still the body of Christ it doesn’t matter what color someone is, it doesn’t make not a single different to God he is NO respecter of persons. And though I live in this great state of Texas and TBIRD and Indy live literally all the way across the world down under we are connected to each other in a wonderful way by the blood of Jesus Christ we are brothers in the family of God and I am greatly excited to be able to share with you these crazy mate’s I’ve discovered.
T’Bird and Indy fist fighting in a recent video:
I have discovered that they are just real, TBIRD has an obsession with pink donuts he claims that they are powerful and majestic, while Indy prefers chocolate donuts, it is extremely amusing to watch these two and all the videos I’ve seen have been both comedic with a chunk of the Gospel truth in there as well, they aren’t afraid to face controversy when they state a bold truth, the fact that controversy might arise does not hinder them one bit from telling it like it is, they are not just a comedy page they touch on some very sensitive issues from time to time and aren’t afraid to take some heat, they defend the truth and take a bold stand for Jesus and I commend them for that. They have been a great help to so many it’s amazing really, and they continue doing all that they do, they have blessed me and I hope they bless you as well.
I hope you find out that they are just as real as you and me in need of a savior, people that aren’t perfect but do their best to strive for what God would have them do and be who God would have them to be. I hope you find that they are kind, caring loving and considerate as I have written about in my blog post today. I hope you find that they are just awesome mate’s and brothers in Christ that love to laugh and love God. I hope you find that they are two crazy (in a good way) Aussies that are down to earth and no different than most of the world. I hope you find that they love God.
Thank you for reading today may God bless you and keep an eye out for another blog post I will be putting out tomorrow morning.
If you would like to give them some love on Facebook and their Youtube then you can do so by clicking here and here.
Shabbat Shalom!