Reminds me of the old song:
“I wandered so aimless, life filled with sin. I wouldn’t let my dear savior in, then Jesus came like a stranger in the night and praise the Lord I saw the light!”
I took this picture almost a year ago now – when this little bird up and flew smack dab into our glass storm door and knocked itself silly. We were afraid that it had broke its wing so we grabbed it up and held it for a little bit and little by little it regained consciousness and became more aware of its surroundings, then it just stayed with us for a little while and finally it started to hop around and hopped out onto the grass and just flew away back into its nest.
We Have A Father:
And I was thinking, aren’t we so lucky that we have a FATHER in heaven that will do the same for us? It is so amazing.
Because we too will wander from the place that we are supposed to be in God, just like this bird wandered from its nest and flew straight into the glass door.
When we are truly HIS we can’t run from him for long because eventually he will put something in our way that will bring us to an immediate halt. And we may lose our grip for a awhile and it may hurt.
In Conclusion:
But just like we were there for that bird and held it in our hands, HALLELUJAH – so will our father in the heavens pick us up and hold us in his hands and he will put us on the right way again!
Aren’t you GLAD we have a FATHER that will do that? Praise God.

2 thoughts on “As A Bird That Wandereth…”
Yesssssss!!! Awesome word this morning!!! Love that song!!
Absolutely beautiful! ,Yes I am very thankful he gave me more than one chance! He has totally changed my life! Just wanted to say thank you for sharing! Your a special light Nathan!
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