If you haven’t guessed it by the title yet, or the big picture below with bold letters stating it, then you need glasses or something. Because today is my 200th blog post! Greetings, fellas, fellows, ladies, girls, gals, gentlemen, hobbitses and dwarves. I don’t know half of you as well as I should like and I like less then half of you half as well as you deserve. (Sorry, I could not resist the urge)
Today’ I would like to begin to talk with you about love, joy, peace, hope and life. And how one might go about obtaining these things. Win the lottery perhaps? Find a nice place to settle down with your soulmate perhaps? Install a new and improved high tech security system? Buy into the stock market to put in for your future? While all these things are perfectly acceptable actions, none of them will ever help you obtain ‘true’ love, joy, peace, hope and life. In fact, some of these things may even cause you stress, pain, heartache and cause you to grow jealous and envious and greedy of what others might have.
But for now, let us start with my basis of this entire post. This is a big number, it means that I have published 200 blog posts to this site, most of them mine and some of them guest posts, either way I have come quite a long ways since I first started blogging. It is not always easy to write and there are many occasions I feel as if I’m just writing to the wind, (most likely because most the time I am) I do not get many views, however I am fine with that.
My goal has never been about popularity, It’s always been to share a moral message with others and if I can reach one person, out of everyone in the entire world, then to me it is worth it all, because I’m not doing this for anyone else, I’m doing what I love and I’ll continue to do this, as long as I am given the opportunity to do so. Finally, let us start with the first and most important attribute of all.
What is ‘true’ love? What is love? It’s something that many of us wonder about and something that is still unanswered in many ways. It’s unlike anything we can explain. I don’t believe that it is something anyone can properly explain. Words can be written, beautiful words can be written, words that make the heart warm and happy. Words that can be said to one another in the little dark moments of ones greatest tragedies, words of passion. But then there are actions, big, little, in between. Buying a loved one that special something they’ve wanted all their life. Making a scrapbook of all the good times, or just taking that call in the late hour when a friend is in need. Love is a wonderful thing, but just how much of a wonderful thing?
I believe that the greatest example, an amazing demonstration and the most beautiful act of love that was ever made, was made by the most high. Jesus Christ, he loved the world so much that he died in agonizing pain on a cross for our sins, I’ve said it before and I will say it again. My dear friends, THAT is LOVE. Only in Christ can one find TRUE love, within themselves.
Moving on to attribute number two.
The scripture often speaks of ‘Joy’ unspeakable. Can you imagine, being so joyful that you could not even utter a single word of it? It is most definitely achievable, not in any way is it impossible, and as matter of fact. You can achieve it today. Whether you are a believer or a non-believer, you found this blog post somehow. You are most likely searching for something, whether that is love, ‘joy’, peace – hope or a better life. You were led here. Do not worry, I bring good news. The good news of the gospel actually.
Of course one can find joy in many things, but to find ‘true’ joy, you have to first learn to enjoy the smaller things in life. Like the way the wind blows through the leaves on the trees in the middle of a hot summers day. Nothing is more refreshing at that time is it? (Other then a tall glass of ice cold homemade fresh squeezed lemonade) Wouldn’t you like your life to be like that? Well, you may ridicule me all you want. But I only speak the truth.
Jesus can give you that, he can come into your life like a cool breeze or a refreshing glass of real old fashioned lemonade and he can refresh you. He can fill your heart with Joy unspeakable. But how is he to do this you might ask? The answer is very simple and you are only a few words away from true love and true joy in your life. I will not ask you to repeat after me, but if you are serious about having Jesus Christ come into your life and having him refresh you and give you true love and joy in your heart. Then the very first step, is believing that he can, accepting that he can and asking him to do so, ask him to come into your life.
In Conclusion:
While there are many ways to find love, often it may not be true, and love that is fake is not love at all it is just an empty black hole that you are trying to fill an even much bigger empty black hole with and you will feel even more empty. You can find true love in a soulmate, you can find true love in friends and family. But it will not be as true a love as you will find in Christ, because there will be times when your soulmate cannot understand how you feel, your friends or your family even, but Christ will be able to.
Joy cannot be found in riches, materialistic possessions, not TRUE joy anyways, true joy can only be found in Christ. Because the fact is, you can have all the riches and all the worldly possessions there is. And still be the saddest person alive, too many celebrities have taught us this valuable lesson.
I will be back next week with my two hundredth and first blog post, to continue discussing the rest of the attributes I listed above, until then however, always remember. “There’s still good in this world Mister Frodo.”