
Today I would like to just jump right into the very core of this post and that is the diminishing of our over all standards as a society, as people, but most importantly, as THE Church of Jesus Christ, we are starting to fall.


As the above photo states, what you can see is the sheer destruction of what once was a strong piece of material, the canvas is very strong, however if we allow it to be compromised in any way then we will soon find that it’s strength will quickly be meaningless, as it will crumble and cause it to be easily ripped apart by anyone and everyone that seeks to do it harm. However, if we keep it from being compromised, then there is nothing in this world that could ever get is to be torn apart, we must keep it guarded from the dangers that is of this world, or else our beloved canvas will be taken away from us.

We as Christians need to guard ourselves from the evil of this world, we need to be so strong in our faith before we even attempt to go out into the darkest parts of this earth, because if we aren’t fully prepared to enter the combat zone then we will be one of the first to be taken down, if our canvas isn’t heavily guarded by the word of God and we are subject to one little snip while out in combat then perhaps all of our ethics and values could be compromised as well, the problem with the Christian church today isn’t that they are not allowing enough God in (though that is a huge problem) the main problem is the fact that the church has started allowing too much of satan in.

It is true that the church is a place for sinners to come, but they are to come to be healed and they are to come to church to be transformed, if there never is any transformation at all then something is wrong and I’m not saying that we become perfect over night because we will never be perfect in such an imperfect world there is only one worthy of the title ‘perfect’ and that is our Lord Christ, but what I am saying however is that without some type of change then perhaps something is wrong.

In Comes The Enemy:

The scripture tells us that the enemy will come in rushing like a flood, but that the Spirit of the Lord will raise a standard, now the problem is that we can very well see the enemy rushing in, like the song says, we see the enemy coming at our families, our churches, our communities, our relationships and our nations, however, what we don’t see is the standard, people are failing to stand up with a great strength of holiness for God and they are failing to live a life of action, many can ‘talk’ the ‘talk’ but there are very few in this church that can actually ‘walk’ the ‘walk’ while some believe that talking is the only thing we need to do others believe that walking is the only thing necessary.

But I believe that there is an equal balance in scripture, and I believe that we should be so bold in our faith that when we talk it we don’t have to be second guessed as to if we are really walking it, we need to have a great love for his truth so strong that when we come across the lost of this world and we say to them on the street “hey, Jesus loves you” they feel such a powerful presence of love and witness of God from our life to the point where they don’t even have to think twice as to whether or not we actually meant it, what we are really needing more in this world, the Church world, is a standard of truth, love and boldness, that is what we really need.

In Conclusion:

I hope that you have all learned to be very careful in the paths you choose to go down, because while we are all free to choose whatever path it is that we want to take, there is a great danger ahead of us no matter where it is that we may go, because the enemy is always trying to look for ways to take us away from God because he is angry that  he took us from him, he is angry that we are no longer under his illusion of deception, he is angry that he no longer controls our lives, and he will stop at nothing to get us back.

So stand strong in your faith, raise your standard high according to the word of God, live your life according to his purposes, so that when every time the enemy does come rushing in like a flood God raises up the very standard that you live by and it knocks the enemy so far back it takes two weeks for such demonic power to come back at you again, don’t let your faith be compromised, don’t allow people to trick you into to selling your soul out to satan no matter what, and last but not least, continue on in fighting the good fight of faith because believe me my friends IT IS worth it, it’s worth it.

Until next time…


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