Isn’t it funny?

Good day, everyone! I know now that it has been quite sometime since I have written any kind of blog post, or posted any kind of video to either of my youtube channels. Nor have I been updating any of my social network pages… Isn’t it funny? Today’s topic!


Don’t you find it funny how everyone is always out to get you in some way? It never really seems to matter what way, the only thing that matters is that in some way shape or form. Somebody is out there to get you. There are really only two kinds of people out there in this world: The good kind and the bad kind. Those who want to see you succeed and those who lie and wait watching you from the distance to see you fail and get caught in a snare.


The encouragers, the discouragers.

Those who think your out to get them so they set out on there own venture to get you to keep you from getting them when all you ever was doing in the first place was minding your own business, trying to make a living, and succeed at your passion. Absolutely absurd isn’t it? Or.. Funny?

You see, my friends… I actually find it funny, because where my enemies lie and wait for me to fall, is exactly where they’ll find themselves falling before too long. Enemies, crazy people, wickedness, evildoers, sicknesses, heartaches, troubles, those who are out to get you… Those type of things just aren’t escapable, are they? No they aren’t. We will never be able to keep from having to face those kind of situations, people will always look on those who have nice things and make judgments, and in some cases they may even be true, but to be true and right is another discussion altogether…


Is it right to be judgmental?

There is no way that we can always be positively right. In a lot of cases, we are even wrong in our judging the ones with nice things when maybe, just maybe… We can’t even imagine how far they have come to have those things.

In conclusion of my blog post today, it’s not a discussion on judging, I have already written about that previously. But rather a question on: Isn’t it funny? Isn’t it funny how you get a new job and it makes everyone mad? Or isn’t it funny how everyone else laughs you to scorn? Sometimes we just gotta look adversity square in the eye and laugh at it!


True Story…

At town the other day with my mom, I was rather ill and didn’t feel too well at all and neither did my mom. It was about 97′ outside and we were trying to get across this parking lot. We noticed this woman going crazy in her car and bickering at us like mad, we didn’t even do anything to her. I don’t know why, but when I noticed her, I looked straight at her and just BUSTED out laughing! Isn’t it funny?


Quote of the day

“Look adversity in the eye – and laugh at it.” – Nathan Tune


Until next time, have a great day each and everyone of you.

God bless y’all!


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