Today I would like to talk more about stepping up to the plate and taking action! Not just talk and pray about it but really take action to go along with the teachings that you receive from your Sunday church studies. I follow this artist named Josh Wilson. I first found this Christian singer/songwriter during my struggles with my mom just leaving us the year of 2010.

A few months later (after much sadness and heartache) I was finally able to accept what had happened and I realized that I just had to KEEP MOVING ON – no matter what.

Sun 2

By living like you don’t care about the world around you is hiding your light! Sitting around and waiting for others to come around and do what God has called you to do yourself is hiding your light! Many times we see a situation or an event that is taking place and God moves on us to do something about it but often because of either fear or because of our fleshly weakness being afraid that the situation might be too difficult for us to handle. But that is where we forget to remember the scripture in the bible that says:


“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”- Philippians 4:13 K.J.V.


You have heard me countless times discuss how too many Christians are hiding their light; they aren’t doing the work for God as they claim to be and quite often they turn away from all the troubles and heartaches of this world…. Why? Why is it that we turn away from things such as poverty, domestic violence, famished adults and children, homeless veterans, abused elderly, beaten, abandoned and broken children? Why do we turn and shield our eyes from such things? The question, my friends, is not why – it is how? How could we turn away from the events that are taking place in this world which we live every day?

Because it’s too hard to look at for some, it is heartbreaking and sometimes so graphic it’s hard to examine for those with weak stomachs. The pictures of things men have done to women, or that both men and women have to the kids is absolutely heart-wrenching. But just sitting they’re examining the events that are taking place isn’t going to get us anywhere, people! We’ve got to make a stand and REFUSE to wait around for someone else to do what GOD has called us to do ourselves!

People, we are the hands and feet of God – get up start walking! Lend his helping hand to those in need! The broken-hearted children are something that hits very close to home for me. I pray for those hurting abused and destitute children and I REFUSE to just sit around and wait for a change. I intend to do my best to make a change!


“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do.”-Gandhi


Be the change you want to see in the world people!


Give it up for Josh Wilson – “I Refuse”

God bless y’all!


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